Selasa, 29 Mei 2012

Perbedaaan PowerPoint 2003 Dan PowerPoint 2007

Secara umum sama, yang paling mencolok perbedaan pada tampilan dan menu ribond, terus yang paling mencolok perbedaanya juga pada penyimpanan file, kalo pada 2003 extensionnya adalah .ppt sedang pada 2007 memakai .pptx
nah agar file yang di create pada power point 2007 bisa dibaca di 2003.. maka pada saat penyimpanan... kamu lakukan dengan cara.. Kilik gambar bulat(logo office) di pojok kiri atas -> terus kamu pilih Save As -> maka akan muncul menu expand-nya.. nah pada bagian ini kamu klik "power point 97-2003 Presentation" dengan demikian, file yang kamu buat di 2007 bisa kamu buka juga di 2003(hanya saja beberapa feature baru di 2007 secara otomatis ga akan bisa diakses di power point versi sebelumnya). lebih lengkapnya googling aja deh.. ok :) thk's semoga membantu

Microsoft incorporated functional and organizational improvements in the PowerPoint 2007 program over those available in PowerPoint 2003. Both versions fulfill the same basic functions to create a presentation; PowerPoint 2007 offers enhanced access and extended options for users.

1. PowerPoint 2003 offers menu-driven commands that enables users to easily navigate through slides and notes and insert objects. PowerPoint 2007 employs a change in feature and function organization, with enhanced options to prepare multimedia presentations.
2. Functions and options in PowerPoint 2003 are accessible through menus and toolbars at the top of the program window. PowerPoint 2007 utilizes a main toolbar containing tabbed or grouped functions for fast and customized access, plus an Office button for file and application options (such as saving and exporting).

File Types
3. The file extensions for PowerPoint 2003 are .ppt for a presentation and .pps for a PowerPoint show; PowerPoint 2007 has corresponding default extensions of .pptx and .pptsx. Microsoft incorporates the Open XML file format with the 2007 applications to efficiently save data (.ppt files are larger than .pptx files).
4. Office 2007 programs can be integrated to reflect changes among related files. For example, an Excel graph embedded in a PowerPoint slide will reflect any changes to data. In contrast, graphs inserted in PowerPoint 2003 must be updated as an embedded object (or replaced with an updated graph).

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